Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thanks…I’m better now!

My brother and his wife sent these beautiful bouquet of flowers while I was in the hospital recuperating from my “first” surgery.{the next to come soon in 4-6 weeks} Yikes!


DSC_0006 But seriously, aren’t these some BEAUTIFUL ROSES????


 DSC_0015I love these shades of pink, pinker and pinkest!


I’m cashing in on all of my sweet Angel Lea’s “kitten whisker kisses” that I missed so much over the 10 days I spent in the hospital.DSC_0014

Notice her left eye?   Getting much better now and I believe that she does have some vision in it.  The gray spot, per Vet. says that it is attached to her iris and prevents the pupil from properly constricting and dilating. (she came to us malnourished, bloody,from some “beast” grabbing her by the face giving her an orbit fracture of the left side of her face, extremely weak and starving and completely blind with those gray spots over both eyes)  She’s now 1 years old!  My Angel Lea-Lea is doing JUST fine now.

DSC_0027 As you can  tell by the sweet peddles that have “fallen”….ummmm photographer INDUCED fall onto the desk.  These flowers still hold their true beauty and form, despite being over a week old!!!!



Here’s my scrapbooking/photo editing/office/putting  out the fires of life at the mere pressing a keyboard for the computer or the phone.DSC_0028


I used a different setting for these last few pictures of my office. {which I now have more incentive to get going with my remodeling} DSC_0029 DSC_0030 DSC_0001

This last photo I was just “messing around with the exposure!   I think I stick to what I know…or what I REALLY don’t know but pretend I kind of know.    Does this make sense?  { I did spend 10 days on drugs you know….!}

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