Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Children’s Sunday

Every May, growing up in a small town just south of Boston, our

church would “celebrate” Children’s Sunday.  It would fall

some where in between “Mother’s Day” in May and “Father’s

Day” in June.  I remember the moment  that I realized that “Children’s Sunday” was something our church

did…but NOT nationally celebrated like Mother and Father’s

Day??!!!  I was a small child sitting on the arm of my Father’s

chair as he sat reading the Sunday paper.   I asked him “Why?”

was there not a “Children’s Day” like HE got a Father’s day and

Mom got a Mother’s day?! (insert the appropriate little girl

pout)  My Father…(who was “quick on his feet” dishing

out short and reasonably true or not so true answers)…

replied… “Honey…that’s because…..ah…EVERY day is

Children’s day!”  (insert big fatherly smile and his nodding

head). Knowing that the ball was definitely NOW in my court,

I thoughtfully looked at my Dad, then at the floor, then back

at my Dad….  Trying desperately to think of someTHING equally witty

I simply said… “Oh!”  and leaned back into side of his

chair pretending to suddenly be more interested in the Sunday paper!newsletter-signup-bg


So….in honor of “Children’s Sunday”  and Children’s Day…

I thought I’d share some more adorable vintage

Children photos!



I just love this sweet vintage photo/painting from Graphic Fairy.  Isn’t she a doll!

Here are just a few of many baby/children photos I have been working on to restore.1901

Here’s sweet baby William.  I had

him on before.  (look at the round Charlie Brown face!)

These photos are approx. 100 years old.Nellie Patten (infant) and Jean Canady  1901

This one of cute little baby Nellie. Cousins of my Mother’s family

in Connecticut.   (sigh…so beautiful)

Next, one of my new fav’s is how “well” little Miss

Wells (great Aunt Beatrice)  pops to life once

cropped and colored!  My Mother had the same kind of

curls…so did I for that matter!  That must be her Grandfather

in this picture.  (My Great-Great Grandfather)

Top-5Little Miss Wells 1875

Top Top-2    Here is my Great Uncle Howard.  I smile every time I look at this photo!  He’s probably all of three years old here!  The other two small babies are cousins. (more about them later)  I love, love LOVE how you can see

this dog’s sweet disposition come out once he was in color.

(Thanks to Picnik touch up elements)Howard's dog

Bet he got a treat after this photo session!  Maybe we should have

“Dog’s Day”?  Oh…right EVERY day is a Dog’s day.  And behind every good dog, is a cute little someone celebrating every day…

as Children’s Day!  (Thanks Dad for the happy memories)

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