Way down here in the “Land of Cotton”…
{or the hard red clay that will totally stain your sandals red and your feet red}
The Candler Field Museum put on “Vintage Day”.
They had old planes… {note white plane taking off}
And some kind of old planes. All out on display in the hot sunshine and freshly mowed fields.
My father was in the 942 Airborne division. I can’t even fathom flying in one of these little squirts!
There were also new-er planes.
Just the fact that “EXPERIMENTAL”
is written across the back seat would make me VERY nervous to fly in this one.
There were plane rides that could be bought. And boy did this pilot “give ‘em a ride”!!
Beautifully restored plane like Lindbergh flew.
Notice how people were sitting under the wings for much needed shade!
This is also an air port … of sorts. The runway is made of grass. That is what grass can manage to grow in the hard red clay! {I suppose if one manages to take off and land on this bumpy, uneven grassy knoll, then landing on asphalt will be a breeze!}
{I’m not sure where the “John Deere” tractor fits in…???} It was a great day and appreciated the sun, even though it was hot. Poor east coast was getting battered by hurricane Irene while we were enjoying blue skies!
Adore those antique cars! So happy you visited today and left such a kind, heartfelt note. It seems like only yesterday that Mom was at the point where she could verbalize little things. It seemed strange getting excited over her recognition of very small things, yet such a genuinely saintly soul can never be taken for granted. She is truly an angel, and I miss her true character terribly. Your journey with your mother's dementia must certainly be a difficult one, though it does sound as though you truly cherish the simply joys, even the tiniest ones. Wishing you peace and happiness in all things.