Monday, August 22, 2011

Before Summer runs away…

Let’s recap…

DSC_0014 {Angel}

From sweet little faces…

finding cool places.

{this summer was a HOT one!}


{Heidi Bear in “her” sink/bed}

DSC_0070 {Mattie attempting to drink out of the faucet…again}  Keep tryin’ Mattie…it takes practice!


Then to sweet places…{Cape Cod}

                 Re-connecting with family…after 10 years of waiting to

come back “home”.  Look at those adorable, sweet faces!   {sigh}

DSC_0165This is my cousin Susan’s “back yard”!   Great place to take “the boys” Manny (tan) and PaPa (white) for a walk!     {I don’t think I spelled that right…sorry}           DSC_0164


A walk down town Harwich Port for the Wednesday Night Music by local artists.  EVERYONE comes out to enjoy the music and seeing friends!DSC_0201DSC_0195 DSC_0202   I swear this Pug is smiling!


My cousin Susan and my husband enjoying a little “walk a bout”DSC_0218DSC_0341 Hidden treasures with words of wisdom to pass along.


DSC_0126Ahhh…remember to just…breath!


DSC_0134 Guided by the Light.


DSC_0079  Safely moored.


Stay a while…relax in the sand, sun and sea shore. 

Through out this year when I need a  “stay calm and relax moment” I think of standing in this spot…looking out on the ocean, feeling the breeze and the warmth of the salty air on my face.  I took several DEEP BREATHS!  {I wish we could bottle that salty breeze}DSC_0099 DSC_0371My cousin and her “boyz” get to live there now…lucky dogs!

DSC_0372  DSC_0280A sweet little garden, a weathered chair and …a orange and white fish!DSC_0281  DSC_0249  The simple things….

DSC_0090A lazy walk down a  quiet, shady Cape Cod street.


Moments on a Hyannis sandy shore line.

{cousin Susan}




Row boats all decked out ….in a row.  Put aside, but not forgotten.


Bye for now, Cape Cod.  I’ll be back someday…even if … (only)     in my dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molly,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blog posts about Harwich Port to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you :)
