Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vintage Day – At Candler Field



Way down here in the “Land of Cotton”…

{or the hard red clay that will totally stain your sandals red and your feet red}

The Candler Field Museum put on “Vintage Day”. 


They had old planes… {note white plane taking off}DSC_0028


 DSC_0030  And some kind of old planes.  All out on display in the hot sunshine and freshly mowed fields.DSC_0031


Antique cars.DSC_0103

DSC_0100 DSC_0098 My father was in the 942 Airborne division.  I can’t even fathom flying in one of these little squirts!



There were also new-er planes.


DSC_0061Just the  fact that “EXPERIMENTAL”

is written across the back seat would make me VERY nervous  to fly in this one.

DSC_0068 There were plane rides that could be bought.  And boy did this pilot “give ‘em a ride”!!


Beautifully restored plane like Lindbergh flew.

DSC_0040   DSC_0043 Notice how people were sitting under the wings for much needed shade!



This is also an air port … of sorts.  The runway is made of grass.  That is what grass can manage to grow in the hard red clay!   {I suppose if one manages to take off and land on this bumpy, uneven grassy knoll, then landing on asphalt will be a breeze!}



{I’m not sure where the “John Deere” tractor fits in…???}  It was a great day and appreciated the sun, even though it was hot.  Poor east coast was getting battered by hurricane Irene while we were enjoying blue skies!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yey…Finally, I now have some….

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!

Thanks to a Senoia, Ga supplier, who has set up an entire

corner of her Antique shop dedicated to “Annie Sloan” paint!

DSC_0001So now…


I can paint my vintage furniture like this….{these are ALL on-line examples!}IMG_0336

Or….paint garden tables like that….


{images found on-line for “Color me French”}


Chest of drawers like this one!! 

The possibilities are ENDLESS!  {sigh}


Finally, I have some

“ Annie Sloan-y paint of

my own-y” ;-)


Mattie says…. “What ev-ah”   DSC_0005 

My inspiration really goes to … “Molly Susan Strong” blog site who showed wonderful examples of what she has done with her pieces and even gives a “how-to” spotlight.  {I will be referring back to that on a regular basis!}

Monday, August 22, 2011

Before Summer runs away…

Let’s recap…

DSC_0014 {Angel}

From sweet little faces…

finding cool places.

{this summer was a HOT one!}


{Heidi Bear in “her” sink/bed}

DSC_0070 {Mattie attempting to drink out of the faucet…again}  Keep tryin’ Mattie…it takes practice!


Then to sweet places…{Cape Cod}

                 Re-connecting with family…after 10 years of waiting to

come back “home”.  Look at those adorable, sweet faces!   {sigh}

DSC_0165This is my cousin Susan’s “back yard”!   Great place to take “the boys” Manny (tan) and PaPa (white) for a walk!     {I don’t think I spelled that right…sorry}           DSC_0164


A walk down town Harwich Port for the Wednesday Night Music by local artists.  EVERYONE comes out to enjoy the music and seeing friends!DSC_0201DSC_0195 DSC_0202   I swear this Pug is smiling!


My cousin Susan and my husband enjoying a little “walk a bout”DSC_0218DSC_0341 Hidden treasures with words of wisdom to pass along.


DSC_0126Ahhh…remember to just…breath!


DSC_0134 Guided by the Light.


DSC_0079  Safely moored.


Stay a while…relax in the sand, sun and sea shore. 

Through out this year when I need a  “stay calm and relax moment” I think of standing in this spot…looking out on the ocean, feeling the breeze and the warmth of the salty air on my face.  I took several DEEP BREATHS!  {I wish we could bottle that salty breeze}DSC_0099 DSC_0371My cousin and her “boyz” get to live there now…lucky dogs!

DSC_0372  DSC_0280A sweet little garden, a weathered chair and …a orange and white fish!DSC_0281  DSC_0249  The simple things….

DSC_0090A lazy walk down a  quiet, shady Cape Cod street.


Moments on a Hyannis sandy shore line.

{cousin Susan}




Row boats all decked out ….in a row.  Put aside, but not forgotten.


Bye for now, Cape Cod.  I’ll be back someday…even if … (only)     in my dreams!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Mattie boy! A summer “tail”


The news is all  about people  “…in all this heat”. Some one  even coined the

phrase about dogs… “dog days of summer” which gives me the illusion of crowds of people suffering with the heat, mopping their brow with a limp handkerchief!      

How come there really isn’t any particular comments or phrases to reflect the

feline “feathers” that become ruffled in all of this heat?    Until

now…{:-D        Case in point.   Take Mattie here.  Now mind you

this is a QUEEN size bed and he has all but stretched the entire width from his feathery front paws to his hind feet!  All in the effort to find relief from the heat.   {he’s a Maine coon cat} and measures 36” from tail to paws!    He loves stretching out on our bed because (I’m guessing here) of the overhead fan.    He is a lot of fur, however and he does have quite


a belly!


     DSC_0038 “WHAT belly?”

Out of all my cats, Mattie just seems to be my most photogenic. Or, maybe he just doesn’t want to MOVE very fast so I am able to photograph him easier. 

  I saw a layout done by Keisha Campbell, “A bit-East” {LOVE her work}  and thought it would be “purr-fect” for these spur of the moment photos I took of Mattie last month. {whoops, it is August now…OK 2 months ago}                                  Most of the paper is

from Jenni Bowlin’s line.  Some of the embellishments and papers are from the Soiree, pink paisley line.   I loved the color combination and would have never thought to put them together if it hadn’t been for Keisha’s LO.


 DSC_0138The lace trim is made with Martha Stewart’s punch.DSC_0140DSC_0144I had to do a second page LO.




DSC_0145 DSC_0043   “Yes…It is SO IMPORTANT to keep up  appearances.    Washing behind one’s ears is number one on a cat’s well groomed list!”DSC_0042DSC_0147


DSC_0039       “Are the cameras gone?  Can I relax NOW?”