Thursday, December 16, 2010

C'mon Hold her hand...

That's what I'm guessing the title of this photo should be! My brother holding my cute cousin Tanya's hand! She has BIG "Nanna " BROWN eyes! She was the MOST adorable little girl! Beautiful when she grew up. Both inside AND out!

Here, Roger and Richie playing in the snow on New England winter day! Look like they're straight out of the Christmas movie where the kids on the play ground "double-dog-dare" the another little boy to stick his tongue on the frozen metal fence post and gets it stuck on it! Richie would be the one to give the dare. Roger would be smart enough to NOT listen to the dare. I would be the one dumb enough to take the dare and get stuck! {just ask me how I KNOW} ha!
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  1. Hard to tell who is who. I must be the tall one with the chubby cheeks. Ya think?

  2. BTW: The pants I was wearing (w/ cousin Tanya in the pic) were the same ones I wore to 1st grade.
    And the big collars and cuffs came back in the mid 70's?

  3. Ya...You're right about the big collar style! By then, it was Nathan and Seth that were wearing the SAME jacket!! (I'm pretty sure I wore it too when I was little!!)
