Eight years ago? I can remember the exact place, the exact moment I watched, as thousands did; the replay of the plane that had hit the World Trade Center. I starred motionless at the T.V. set as Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer of "Good Morning America" show tried to make sence of what had happened moments before. Diane Sawyer, who is normally perfectly poised, perfect diction to her pleasant TV voice
now stammered as her head swiveled back and forth to the news prompter, to Charlie Gibson, again to the news prompter. Then with a blink of an eye...WHAT IS HAPPENING??!! Yet ANOTHER plane is flying towards the other World Trade Tower??!! It seemed like everything was in slow motion? Was it? What...???? The words of Diane Sawyer saying over and over become clearer in my head..."Oh NO! Oh NO! Oh No it can not be!" Charlie Gibson's normal, even composure transforming into the look of horror, the look of unbelief and a voice that sounds more like a teenage boy going through adolescent voice change..."We have an unconfirmed report!!!.....(ahh hemmm clearing of voice heard) ..."an unconfirmed report of not one... but two airplanes that have now crashed into the......(sound fades). I am on the phone with Dean. I hear myself say again and again..."I can't believe this! I can not be lieve this!"
I had been getting ready to go to work at our local (small!) hospital. I stepped up my progress with each report...."crashing into the Pentagon..." Crashing into a field in Penn. Was it meant for the White House?"
Took off in Boston, Logan Airport
Hit NYC once...twice.
Another hit at the Pentagon. D.C
I'm rushing now in my jeep, anticipating the worst...hopeful for ANYTHING less!
Our assignments?
Prepare for mass casualties. I knew that EMS was working in full force and calling in Reserves. My duty right now in in the ER.
Prepare...we did.
Would this part of the East Coast be next?
I didn't know.
No one did. No one but God.
Thank God.
Nighttime cloaked our nation, as we fell to our knees. We are torn apart, blown apart, burned up.
We still STAND as a NATION...UNDER GOD...
the evil one is finished for today.
And we lived...
Under GOD!
and I mean
Bombed this nation in the past 8 years.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the wisdom and endurance you gave to our Leaders! They helped us stay free!
Thank you God!
YOU...kept us free! YOU...gave us the Heroes, the soldiers, the firefighters, the police, the Mayors, and YES! OUR President!
to keep us

I had been getting ready to go to work at our local (small!) hospital. I stepped up my progress with each report...."crashing into the Pentagon..." Crashing into a field in Penn. Was it meant for the White House?"
Took off in Boston, Logan Airport
Hit NYC once...twice.
Another hit at the Pentagon. D.C
I'm rushing now in my jeep, anticipating the worst...hopeful for ANYTHING less!
Our assignments?
Prepare for mass casualties. I knew that EMS was working in full force and calling in Reserves. My duty right now in in the ER.
Prepare...we did.
Would this part of the East Coast be next?
I didn't know.
No one did. No one but God.
Thank God.
Nighttime cloaked our nation, as we fell to our knees. We are torn apart, blown apart, burned up.
We still STAND as a NATION...UNDER GOD...
the evil one is finished for today.
And we lived...
Under GOD!
and I mean
Bombed this nation in the past 8 years.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the wisdom and endurance you gave to our Leaders! They helped us stay free!
Thank you God!
YOU...kept us free! YOU...gave us the Heroes, the soldiers, the firefighters, the police, the Mayors, and YES! OUR President!
to keep us
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