Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A snippet more on Leap Year trivia…

  • Leap Day
  • A wee bit more trivia…   February 29th tradition of the one day a woman may propose to a man…
  • traces the tradition to fifth-century Ireland, when St. Bridget supposedly complained to St. Patrick that gals were sick of waiting around for their procrastinating men to pop the question. Patrick consented to a leap day role reversal and, by some accounts, also declared that men who declined the proposal would be fined!

  • (taken from bing) trivia facts.

Leap year day…post 2!

According to Irish folk lore, Feb. 29th




became the one day of the year that it was permissible

for a lady to ask a man’s hand in marriage.  It dates

back to the 15th (?) century.  If the man declined

her offer, it came with a heavy fine.   How silly

this seems today.   






Any who….. in keeping with my

promise to make a double…leap year

day post; here are some more photos.

Most on the continuing saga of

Project Life”.

DSC_0005 So nice to be caught up…finally!



I found that having one long column made it very easy to print out a paragraph or two about that week.  All at one time. Done!


Our lives are complicated enough.  It’s nice to journal these pages with a word or two per photo or a whole little story if need be.








 Spotting the birds singing again and the spring flowers blooming is a BIG deal up north.  Not so much here.  But it still makes me happy!

DSC_0003This is the only full page lay  out that I’ve done since  the new year!!  Credit for this layout goes to one of Jenni Bolin’s design team for my inspiration. I “think” it is one of Lisa Dickerson’s layout for the JB gallery.  I’ve had these photos of these very colorful birds for four years now.  It wasn’t until I saw her layout that inspired me to finally get a LO done.

{actually it’s NOT done yet…still have to journal}


Happy Leap year day!

Leap year…day?


Is that what we would call it?  February 29th is …cool!   I get this feeling every

four years…or so.  Truthfully…I don’t remember  much about the

2008 year.  My Mom had 2 falls and TWO hip fractures that

required surgical intervention! (need I say more?) 

Hence….(!)  THIS leap year, 

I’m makin’ a change!

I am going to jump in with both feet on this

leap year …um…day(?)  and  do some  catching

up on my blog and “possibly” posting a leap frog

post. {posting x 2}

Since the WHOLE month of February has gone 

by in a total blur…except for this 24hrs of a grace period by which another day has been added. I’ll try to get you up to date!

I’ll try to be brief.  Just the facts !


February in the ER has brought a tremendous amount

of really sick patients…of all ages.  I’ve worked a gazillion hours {it feels like} 

My whole body feels beat up, spit out, run over! worn out….my feet ache despite the handfuls of ibuprofen I’ve taken all month!

{don’t try that at home folks!}  

And my brain even hurts!!  {you get the picture?}

So…if I wasn’t working those 13 hr. days…I was home sleeping or in a trance like state, sitting in front of the  t.v.!  I’ve had a couple of days off.  I’m ready to …leap!

In honor of Leap Year DAY! I hope to post twice on this day!

I have managed to work on my Project Life album. It took me all of February to get caught up!  But I did it!

1st I had to sew my pages dividers on my sewing machine.


Being too cheap frugal and using what I already had.


worked pretty well…especially since I had these 8.5 x 11 inch clear plastics sitting WAY back under my other stuff.  So far back that I had completely forgotten about them! Simply retrieving them and putting them to good use!


I lined them up on my cutting board, measured the available options for dividing them….measured …




after messing up the first time. And voila!

plastic dividers for my PL album.  I sliced up my papers to fit.  Plunked down a photo or two.  Typed up a comment


{oops!  sorry for the glare}

or three.  There you have it!


{above} are copies of actual photos of the Eiffel tower and a “mustang” plane that my Father photographed while in WWII! {I scanned the original, printed, framed and sent it to my brother in CT who had never seen them!}  Yup..he DID love it.  Well…actually…he said “wow”.

That’s Bro’ talk for “love”.

More later!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just checking in….



After a tumultuous month of working

in our ER where I could swear at times

I was back out on the “streets

of raw trauma” working as a



{image found on-line at “bing”}

I’m now back in the swing of things…I hope.

Beginning in January, I have

“poured” myself into several

different -yet –similar projects. 

Last month,

I was able to view and be inspired by


“Creative Jump Start” hosted by 

the uber-talented Nathalie Kalbach.

She put together this international role-

call of scrapbooking Celebs that would

appear each day via U-tube to share

their own ideas of “jump starting”

their  creativity.

Then, with the ringing in of the new year

brought a new word.

One little word…


{from Ali Edward’s blog site}

started several years ago by one of our

own scrapbooking celebs. (I can’t remember

if it was Ali Edwards, Jessica Sprague??)

This project is fairly new to me;

participating now for 3 years.  This year

I chose: 


HOPE…{looking for}. 

This keeps me focused in a very plain

and simple way!


{photos on-line from “bing”}

I’ve learned a lot from

my 2 previous words “TIME” and “Believe”.


a learn- as –you–go (for me that is)


“Project Life”. 

The brainchild of  Becky Higgins.

I heard of it last year.  I didn’t get much

further.  This year it appealed to my

simpler yet informative side of thinking.

Stream-lining my journaling and

photos.  Becky Higgins has several

prepackaged, ready to go kits just

for this Project Life. 


She has a

wonderful step-by-step  guide

lines and the special plastics for your

3 ring binders! 


I’m taking the frugal,

Yankee way of “making do” with

what you have on hand, approach.

because I have so much darn stuff

to get rid of!

I’m taking photos of my progress.

I’ll be sharing soon.

I think I’m going to like this new

approach.  Not to be replaced by my

full and fussy layouts that I enjoy so


Thanks so much for stopping by!

More later!   Enjoy your week-end!
