- Leap Day
- A wee bit more trivia… February 29th tradition of the one day a woman may propose to a man…
traces the tradition to fifth-century Ireland, when St. Bridget supposedly complained to St. Patrick that gals were sick of waiting around for their procrastinating men to pop the question. Patrick consented to a leap day role reversal and, by some accounts, also declared that men who declined the proposal would be fined!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
A snippet more on Leap Year trivia…
Leap year day…post 2!
According to Irish folk lore, Feb. 29th
became the one day of the year that it was permissible
for a lady to ask a man’s hand in marriage. It dates
back to the 15th (?) century. If the man declined
her offer, it came with a heavy fine. How silly
this seems today.
Any who….. in keeping with my
promise to make a double…leap year
day post; here are some more photos.
Most on the continuing saga of
“Project Life”.
So nice to be caught up…finally!
I found that having one long column made it very easy to print out a paragraph or two about that week. All at one time. Done!
Our lives are complicated enough. It’s nice to journal these pages with a word or two per photo or a whole little story if need be.
Spotting the birds singing again and the spring flowers blooming is a BIG deal up north. Not so much here. But it still makes me happy!
This is the only full page lay out that I’ve done since the new year!! Credit for this layout goes to one of Jenni Bolin’s design team for my inspiration. I “think” it is one of Lisa Dickerson’s layout for the JB gallery. I’ve had these photos of these very colorful birds for four years now. It wasn’t until I saw her layout that inspired me to finally get a LO done.
{actually it’s NOT done yet…still have to journal}
Happy Leap year day!
Leap year…day?
Is that what we would call it? February 29th is …cool! I get this feeling every
four years…or so. Truthfully…I don’t remember much about the
2008 year. My Mom had 2 falls and TWO hip fractures that
required surgical intervention! (need I say more?)
Hence….(!) THIS leap year,
I’m makin’ a change!
I am going to jump in with both feet on this
leap year …um…day(?) and do some catching
up on my blog and “possibly” posting a leap frog
post. {posting x 2}
Since the WHOLE month of February has gone
by in a total blur…except for this 24hrs of a grace period by which another day has been added. I’ll try to get you up to date!
I’ll try to be brief. Just the facts !
February in the ER has brought a tremendous amount
of really sick patients…of all ages. I’ve worked a gazillion hours {it feels like}
My whole body feels beat up, spit out, run over! worn out….my feet ache despite the handfuls of ibuprofen I’ve taken all month!
{don’t try that at home folks!}
And my brain even hurts!! {you get the picture?}
So…if I wasn’t working those 13 hr. days…I was home sleeping or in a trance like state, sitting in front of the t.v.! I’ve had a couple of days off. I’m ready to …leap!
In honor of Leap Year DAY! I hope to post twice on this day!
I have managed to work on my Project Life album. It took me all of February to get caught up! But I did it!
1st I had to sew my pages dividers on my sewing machine.
Being too cheap frugal and using what I already had.
worked pretty well…especially since I had these 8.5 x 11 inch clear plastics sitting WAY back under my other stuff. So far back that I had completely forgotten about them! Simply retrieving them and putting them to good use!
I lined them up on my cutting board, measured the available options for dividing them….measured …
after messing up the first time. And voila!
plastic dividers for my PL album. I sliced up my papers to fit. Plunked down a photo or two. Typed up a comment
{oops! sorry for the glare}
or three. There you have it!
{above} are copies of actual photos of the Eiffel tower and a “mustang” plane that my Father photographed while in WWII! {I scanned the original, printed, framed and sent it to my brother in CT who had never seen them!} Yup..he DID love it. Well…actually…he said “wow”.
That’s Bro’ talk for “love”.
More later!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Just checking in….
After a tumultuous month of working
in our ER where I could swear at times
I was back out on the “streets
of raw trauma” working as a
{image found on-line at “bing”}
I’m now back in the swing of things…I hope.
Beginning in January, I have
“poured” myself into several
different -yet –similar projects.
Last month,
I was able to view and be inspired by
“Creative Jump Start” hosted by
the uber-talented Nathalie Kalbach.
She put together this international role-
call of scrapbooking Celebs that would
appear each day via U-tube to share
their own ideas of “jump starting”
their creativity.
Then, with the ringing in of the new year
brought a new word.
One little word…
{from Ali Edward’s blog site}
started several years ago by one of our
own scrapbooking celebs. (I can’t remember
if it was Ali Edwards, Jessica Sprague??)
This project is fairly new to me;
participating now for 3 years. This year
I chose:
HOPE…{looking for}.
This keeps me focused in a very plain
and simple way!
{photos on-line from “bing”}
I’ve learned a lot from
my 2 previous words “TIME” and “Believe”.
a learn- as –you–go (for me that is)
“Project Life”.
The brainchild of Becky Higgins.
I heard of it last year. I didn’t get much
further. This year it appealed to my
simpler yet informative side of thinking.
Stream-lining my journaling and
photos. Becky Higgins has several
prepackaged, ready to go kits just
for this Project Life.
She has a
wonderful step-by-step guide
lines and the special plastics for your
3 ring binders!
I’m taking the frugal,
Yankee way of “making do” with
what you have on hand, approach.
because I have so much darn stuff
to get rid of!
I’m taking photos of my progress.
I’ll be sharing soon.
I think I’m going to like this new
approach. Not to be replaced by my
full and fussy layouts that I enjoy so
Thanks so much for stopping by!
More later! Enjoy your week-end!