just two things.
{by magic moonlight}
March 17th , Saint Patrick’s Day and
all things Irish . Green Isle of Ireland,
“dancing the jig”,
finding a 4-leaf

clover! {brings very good luck}
Red hair and freckles, {like my son, Seth! and
his Great-Great Grandfather before him}
The lively music of drums and fiddles!

My Grandmother’s birthday was March 5th.
{Laura Mae Brown, 100 years old}
She was a very
strong, enduring kind of woman. Talented in
so many ways! She was a daughter, a sister, a
wife and a Mother. A seamstress, cook and yes,
a bottle washer ! She raised 4 wonderful, well
adjusted children. Always had a huge garden
and canned enough for the whole neighborhood. {if need be!}
But, Laura was much more.

{ Laura Mae [Allen]Brown}
Born March 5, 1894.
She lived to be 103.
She left us with a legacy
of being a woman of strength and bravery!
She had “True Grit”, the “luck of the Irish” and she was a blessed and Godly women.
My Grandmother valued her
family and her God
above all else .
{my grandmother cherished her Mother in Law}
Born in the western corner of Massachusetts,
in a home built right on the Mohawk Trail. Grampa Flanigan’s house as it was
known. Her Mother, Lizzie Belle {Flanigan}
and her sister Jenny, were both born in Ireland. Not much is known about that time, only the fact that the Flanigan family and many, many other Irish families immigrated to America, on a big ship sometime in the 1870’s.
My Grandmother remembers her mother, Lizzie Belle, telling her the story of all the people crowded into a ship and how one night the mast broke under the heavy gales of a storm at sea!
Once in America, they would all work hard, find a wonderful farm house to live in and even an education for their little Jennie and Lizzie Belle!

{the ONLY photo of Lizzie Belle-that I know of}
Later, Lizzie Belle married a man by the name of Allen. Soon, March 5th came and they had their first child, Laura Mae; my Grandmother.

{ Grampa Flanigan’s house on the Mohawk Trail}
Lizzie Belle would not be married too long, having to endure a “divorce”. Something that was just not heard of in that day! (1900’s)

However, she managed to raise my Grandmother and her brother until the day she must have been dreading, came all too soon. Lizzie Belle was sick. Very sick, and knowing that she would soon die, she knew she had to send her children away to be cared for.

{from magic moonlight}
My Grandmother remembers being set upon her Mother’s lap as she was told of a “wonderful holiday”she would be going on.
Such an adventure for “a child as wee as you!” “You’ll have the time of your life”, Lizzie Belle said. A ride in the new wagon to a big “bonny farm” with lots of animals and even “a pony!”

{The Graphics Fairy}
“Tis a lucky lass that is able to go on such a holiday!” An adventure waiting for you just on the other side of that gate!
Her brother would go live with his father, but he could not take Laura.
Just 10 years old, she would travel by a horse drawn wagon to a farm in New Hampshire, where she would become an indentured servant to this family for the next 8 years.
{image found online}
It was a terrible and long 8 years for Laura Mae Allen. But in the wee hours of March 5th, after so many years of hardship; One strong and determined 18 year old girl set out on a new journey. A new life, a long life. With many joys and sometimes heart aches. But a life of love, laughter, dancing to bright, lively music of fiddles and drums! Of children and happiness that was spoken of from a loving mother to her little 10 year old girl; so many years ago!
A note pinned on Lizzie Belle’s crazy quilt. This and a tiny little note book that Lizzie Belle used as a diary to record those early days at home with her family; are the only two things that my Grandmother was able to keep of her Mother’s. Entrusted into my care {by my parents} I treasure these two beautiful items today.

{“Laura’s journey”} to be continued!