Here are a couple of layouts I did from the photos I recently posted. My Grandmother Josephine {Jo} sitting, perhaps on the church/school stairs with her classmates. I believe it is circa 1902 (ish) I’m thinking Josephine is about 8 years old here. Yes, she is the one with the silver arrow above her head. In regular light the arrow doesn’t stick out quite as much!
I used the Pink Paislee’s Parisian Anthology paper from the “house of three” designs. Love the resist doilies. {my inking technique needs some practice!} I think I’ll try the glimmer mists next LO.
I used the new glimmer mist, “Pop Rocks” to dye the white seam binding purple { I LUV this color!} and again on the Parisian Anthology letters. I used the “Little Women” {image found online} reference b/c my Grandmother was also called “Jo” {and Louisa May Alcott’s home was not far from where she grew up—her books were a house hold staple!}
The index card is a reproduction of an actual page that came out of my Great Uncle’s book. {Josephine’s big brother} I can’t get over how NEAT his handwriting is! Especially b/c I work with a bunch of Dr’s who have terrible {sorry guys} hand writing!!! Uncle Howard was a Dr. too. But I guess the big difference was turn of the century technology…except for typing, WRITING was the only other VISUAL communication they had.
I’m still impressed. The photo “button” is from Jennie Bowlin’s kits.
This next layout, Josephine is now grown with a grown daughter (my Mother) of her own. That’s her on the end, right hand side. I think she was beautiful! Her hair turned pure white at 30 yrs old. Here, with her extended family, who enjoyed many summers at the cottage on the Cape! Pictured here are mostly “Robshaws” with the exception of Barbara (furthest left) who was a “Coles” and my Grandmother’s niece.
I again, used Parisian Anthology paper and “fussy cut” the Webster papers. Glimmer mist the wooden Pinkpaislee letters. The lace edging made with Martha Stewart’s new-er punches. And of course, finished it off with some twine from the Pink Paislee Soiree line!
Of note, I found a key tag , hand written in pencil “Wareham” faintly on it. I scanned it into my computer and then reprinted it. I have gone over the faint writing with ink…but that’s truly a “find” for me. The key is from that same era, but have no clue what it belongs to. Now, they rest together on my Cape Cod remembrance LO!
Glimmer mist with “Bahama Blue” on the wooden letters.
My cute little family!
More of my “fussy cutting” of the Webster Papers. I added some “stickles” for accent.
I will be visiting the Cape soon. When I arrive, hopefully I’ll meet up with a cousin who now lives on the Cape. Her Mom is pictured here {Doris—second from the left}. I don’t believe she {my cousin} has ever seen this photo of her Mom, who has now passed on. My cousin is a lot like her Mom…I remember them both smiling…always smiling. Beautiful way to be remembered; don’t you think so?