Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back to work I go...

Well, I've done my best
to "nurse myself" back to
a resemblance...
of health. Thanks, too
for my husband making several
trips to the store/pharm.'s off to the ER...
to my other life.
Nursing others back to health.

Or...something that resembles it. ;)
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pardon me while I just curl up in your sink!

please pardon our messy sink (s).

Hi! My name is Heidi!
I always sleep here!

My Mom says she wishes she could just curl up in a sink too!
She said it might
make her feel better.


I'm feeling just fine!

and...that's all I have to say about that!

p.s. you think a
bathroom remodel
is coming


....soon? Hmmmm? Just ask'n. "K?"
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This is where I work...

Even on Valentine's Day.
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SHE...let out a heavy sigh as

SHE drove into work.
With new found determination....shoulders back
head held high... on
this Valentine's day.

SHE knew...
That if she saw any red

{and SHE most certainly would}

And if SHE saw any hearts...

SHE knew
they would NOT be from roses
or pink silly hearts...

but SHE would witness the ... tender care... and the pouring
of love...
that happens every day...
in the lives of
everyday coworkers. The
AND...the every day...HE roes
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Laying Loooowwwww!

Like Mattie here (my Maine Coon Cat) I am also laying low today.

Trying to recover from an {uproar!!} of my
diverticulitis (sounds like...diver-tic-you-light-us).

Only, in reality when this do NOT want to see any light...
only the darkness of the
inside of your

Squeezed tight.
{as my brother would say}...
this too shall pass. (ooooow-wah...such a bad joke right now)

I'm just say'n....I'm goin' back to bed!
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Look at this cute little cherub
face!! This is a 1920's picture of one of my mother's
neighbors and friends that she grew up with.
Her name {the cute cherub} is Helen. She would later
become a gym teacher for the public schools. If you
were a child
living in my home town,
chances were almost 100% she was
your gym teacher. {back when we had gym class ALL year}
I love this picture of her. Those dainty booties are adorable!

But the way I remember her is with a whistle in her mouth and a
basket ball, or dodge ball in the crook of her left arm and propt against
her left hip.
She died in the same house that she was born in...
that she was raised in...
And raised her own children in...

The house,

a beautiful Victorian, complete with stain glass windows and a touret
was painted always

Valentine Red!

Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to my son, Nathan

This was from "Greater Joy" blogspot given to her by a friend. It is such a powerful message. I can only continue to have faith and trust in HIS faithfulness even though it makes me cry. It gives me hope that I will see my children again someday.

Happy Birthday, my sweet son. I miss you so very, very much.

I hope you can love me again some day. Forgive me someday. Talk to me someday.

I remember the day you were born; do you remember "the day you were born". I would tell you every year. When you were little, you wanted to hear it over and over again. Later, when you were much older, you would sigh, roll your eyes and say..."Ya I remember". You are so precious to me.

I will love you forever...and always.

I WILL see you again...I will continue to believe in His faithfulness. I know you believe too.

The One Book by Dan Zadra and Kobi Yamada

I love this. It was used as an example in the "21 Challenge" by Rhonna F. blog.

Something to ponder!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sweet, Precious, Unique and Vintage!

This Valentine is an AMAZING find for me. It is obviously hand made.

drawn by an Adult, most likely and possibly colored in (with water colors)
by a child?! See how the colors stayed true?

I love this little verse, I'm almost positive an adult wrote this.

This is a child's handwriting. But who...
is "Auntie"? Some one in my family around the turn of the century...1800's to 1900's that is.
I wish there were more clues. It was neatly tucked away with the other vintage post cards in
Great Aunt Molly's scrapbook. (circa 1911-28'ish)

I'm going to have to search out a picture of Great Aunt Molly.

Let's see she was born about 22 years before MY Grand mother (her little sister) the last of 6 children.
And she (Josephine) was born about...1893.

Oh ya...this'll be a piece of cake! (or...not)
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February 12, 1912

A post card from Great Aunt Molly's scrapbook!
It actually was addressed to HER Aunt 'Lizbeth. and signed from
"K. S. Gidwell" ...I don't even know who that is?!

post card has held up well don't you think? Pretty...{sigh}
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1913 Post card!

This was in an old Scrapbook of my Great Aunt Molly's.
This cracks me up!! on the other side a simple message.

It says, "Well, how about it?"

this was from the "Crowell Publishing Co." W.M. Beach Col, Boston.
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1960's Valentines

This one was to (me) Diane
From: Teddy (??)
Thanks Teddy, who and where ever you are!

This one was from my 2nd Grade teacher (I think?)

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Friday, February 4, 2011

happiness comes in many shapes!

This one comes in the shape of a snow blower.

Onced belonged to our Father.

And now clears the way for bigger and greater things.
Just like...
our Father once did.

Long ago, and far, far away.

Thanks Dad. credit for the original design and idea goes
to Celeste Smith, guest designer for Jenni Bowlin Inspirations.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Be MY VALENTINE...not what's her name!

I have seen this photo before and absolutely LOVE it!
The first time I saw was a Valentine card. I bought it for my sweetie, the first of many. (now I make them).
{I got this off one of the other blog sites...and can't read the "Author" of this wonderful appologies}

These two ARE from my Grandmother's treasures. I took a guess
at the colors for their clothes, but it seems to suit them.
Believe it or was a Christmas photo. Must have
been a friend of my Grandparents Wilfred and Josephine.

Don't they LOOK like their names should be..."Frick 'n Frack" (that's what my Mother calls them).
....of course she calls ANYTHING that comes in twos Frick'n Frack.

They look like they've got a plan...Frick and Frack

as they walk...

down the

....railroad track! ;)

You'd never guess where I found this!
Even more...that it stayed intact for...ohhh...
80 some odd years??!!

The edges were a bit frayed...not too bad though. I scanned it in and gave their pretty eyes some color!

Again...I can't make out the artist's name. Does anyone recognize this?
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