And I have too many self-proclaimed, furry pawed helpers in the finer art of floral arrangement! Like..."let's see how these posies would look in a PUDDLE of water! Hmmm....delightfully flavored with rose water...yummy!"
"I WILL be good....I GOOD...I will BE GOOD" "I will be (pretty) good"
"I will be (almost, pretty darn close to)...good!" "Is she still looking at us?"
"I'm being good...I really am!" I'm going to just... sit here. while I (plot)...ahh...(sneak) ...shoot...I mean...(ahhhh nuts)...just one bite hmmmmmm???
Ahhhh.....fall time in ....(?) Georgia? Boy, do I miss New England this time of year! I saw this cute picture and thought I would share it on my blog too. {thankyou black flip-flops}
Bennett Mill Broncos score they're final win of the season! But it was touch and go for quite a while there!
The GREAT BRONCO paces back and forth from the side lines! C'mon MEN!
The Cheer Leaders strike up another Cheer!! Who's this cute cheerleader? Hmmmmmm......she reminds me of somebody?! Ya know...? She makes me think of someone that I work with. Who could this GIRL be? {he he he!}
And flip! WOW! {I love this shot!}
And cheer some MORE!
And the band plays...!!!
There's Ryan. Number "75"! {look at him....isn't he cute???!!}
Whoops...can you say "cute" about a football player?
Anyways.... he's TOUGH {Arrggghhhh!} He has worked really, really hard this football season. And it shows on him too!
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
Merry Christmas 2012
WOW!! What a wonderful day! So much anticipation and such a celebration
with family! Hudson had a blast at his first Christmas and we still get to
go back ...
Originally from New England where I worked on Cape Cod and went to college in Boston,MA. Moved to Georgia several years ago. I have a beautiful,tallented daughter and "my three(very handsome, very tall) sons" Recent New York R.N. grad(!) working in a metro Atlanta E.R. Scrapbooking is one of my passions to honor my family.